Fee for domestic authors | 200 BAM |
Fee for foreign authors | 150 EUR |
Fee for authors from co-organizer’s institutions | 100 EUR |
Fee for online presented papers | 100 EUR |
Fee for PhD students | 80 EUR |
Fee for participants without paper | 50 EUR (100 BAM) |
Fee for students I and II cycle of study | free of charge |
Fee includes: attendance of all authors/co-authors of the paper to all conference sessions, publishing of the paper in electronic format, coffee breaks, printed conference program, certificate, and gala dinner.
– Only if all authors are from the University of East Sarajevo the paper will be free of charge.
– PhD student must be the first author to be charged fees of 80 EUR.
– Participants without the paper are welcome to register. The fee for them doesn’t include a gala dinner. In case you would like to attend to gala dinner need to pay an additional fee.
– In case the application to Springer (WoS) is approved, publishing the selected papers will require an additional fee of 150 euros.
– Members of the Program Committee and reviewers can apply for reduced fees.
In accordance with the Conference policy, only papers presented during the Conference, whether in-person or online, will be considered for publication. Papers not presented will not be included in the Conference Proceedings.
If you have any questions, please contact us novihorizonti@sf.ues.rs.ba
List of correspondent banks (if necessary), only for foreign payments.